I basically started this blog because I was inspired by a friend who recently began posting his own, I also figured this would be a good way to improve my writing and also express myself, anyway if anyone does take the time to read this (which I highly doubt) I'l do my best to give entertaining accounts of my somewhat boring life. Each post I write will also come with a song that either reflects my current mood or has just left an impact on me that day. I'm one of those people who defines life through what they listen to.
Today's Rating 1/10
Well today was really rough (which is maybe why I felt the need to write this blog). I strangely enough woke up in a good mood, the good mood continued as I threw on some Ska Punk (courtesy of Jake Humber), sang along and got dressed. I then walked the thirty five minutes into town to meet my girlfriend of three months for a coffee. the coffee shop where we were meeting was closed (an oman maybe) so I waited outside on the bench for a few minutes listening to The Who on my ipod. It was here my day (and maybe my life) took an awful turn for the worse, from the moment my girlfriend arrived I could sort of tell something wasn't quite right. To cut a long story short (whilst skipping a very personal conversation) fifty minutes later I was walking along the beaches back to my home, music blaring in my ears, trying to establish quite why she had broken up with me.
I got home and went through all those usual mood swings associated with a break up, you know sadness, anger, resentment ect....... Eventually after hitting an all time emotional low, I decided life goes on, kind of a cliche epiphany I know but hey its true. Got to be another girl out there who has the same crazy interests and fashion tastes as me! This emotional lucidity will hopefully continue throughout this week or my next few blogs could be quite depressing I fear...
Today's Song
The song for today is Octopus by Syd Barrett (the crazy guy from early Pink Floyd) from the album The Madcap Laughs. For those who don't know of Syd Barrett, he was driven insane by the excessive use of LSD and other drugs and this insanity is very much reflected in his music. The song is acoustic with trippy schizophrenic lyrics drifting over the chords. Heard it for the first time today and it blew me away, doesn't really tie in with todays events but oh well, made me feel better!
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